Day One: Upper Body

Upper body day works the muscles groups on the front and back of your body including: pectoral muscles, deltoids, triceps, biceps, traps, lats, and core. 

Warm Up

Do what feels good!

Some good examples of warming up this part of your body would be:

Shoulder CARs: 5 reps each side, 2 sets

Bear position shoulder taps: 16-20 reps, 2 sets

Resistance band pull apart: 10 reps, 2 sets

Resistance band chest press: 10 reps, 2 sets

Kettlebell hinge to sumo squat: 12 reps, 2 sets

4 sets of 8-10 reps

6-7 RPE

60-second rest between sets

4 sets of 8-10 reps

6-7 RPE

60-second rest between sets

3 sets of 10-12 reps

6–7 RPE

60-second rest between sets

3 sets of 10-12 reps

6–7 RPE

60-second rest between sets

3 sets of 10-15 reps

6–7 RPE

60-second rest between sets

Arm Bar

3 sets of 10-15 reps

5–6 RPE

60-second rest between sets

Hold position or crawl

6-7 RPE

20 seconds, 3 sets

60-second rest between set

Cool down! Congrats on finishing day one, give yourself a big high five!


Getting Started


Day Two: Active Rest